Sunday, December 6, 2009

Re- Thinking Reentry

We need to be really looking at our criminal justice system. to address the unmet need of Individuals Retuning back into society, and their social connections, because I am seeing this with  some enities.who want to see formerly incarcerated individuals make a successful transition, and over come the challenges and ripple effect one face upon release, and assist with making the transition a successful one

I read a article.Tough Economic Times, Crime Declinces In NYC.

The article statement was. economic hard times and crime declines are felt differently by diffrent neigborhoods and persons in New York City. homelessness is at an all time high. with 28,000 familes
living in city shelters, and recent high-profile shooting are clustered in some City's most vulnerable neigborhoods. Crime or no crime, many New Yorkers are having a tough time these days,
you don't say       

Reentry / to reduce recidivism and to enhance pubice safety   

  • Less likely to have and alcohol history
  • More likely to be umemployed;
  • to be engaged in mental health programs Less involved in support programming, especially drug and alcohol programs & sinifcantly less likely
  • Slighlty more violent in terms of original conviction offense;
More likely to have returned previously on their sentence; and typically out longer than parole
I find it to be a double standard when it come to our justice system

Are they really working to keep individuals home, are they collaboration with the State and the City and other Goverment Agencies, and Organizations. to just save a few. or will we see them implementing some targeted Intervention and Initiatives within the system this year that hard core, that will work for those retuning back into their communities,and neighborhoods that will have a long-term impact on formerly incarcerated individual life, and meaningful service and projects that support family as well 

There no room for conflicts. One Enities of Government Body. can not want to help whlie the other Enities of Government Body, Is coming into a community to do illegally vigorous. just won't work.
If working on reintegration of incarcerated men and women coming back into their communities and families, so their no room for unlawfull act. by our own government. all agencies must work for a greater cause to establish stable and crime-free lives

My life will touch a dozen lives
Before this day is done,
Leave countless marks for good or ill.
Before the setting sun -Anon

A heart touched by grace
Brings joy to the face.

Fear Factor

It Amazes's me how the fear factor can keep people form seeing the whole picture. when I read the story And hear the new about the Newburgh Four/ and not the Newburgh Five. and how a storge worker has Been honored  in June & how in Orange County four have been honor.WOW first on the footstep of City Hall the first week in May,
New York finest was being honored with other that was involved. in this speedy trail

All these award being handed out. before the trail. It just amazes's me

What get me is the FBI keep saying they was in Controlled of the Situation the Whole Time/ key word In Controlled the Whole Time/ None of the Target was ever in Danger, why should it be when they  Creating the Crime and Solving it by Themself. I like to know who being watchful for family & community?

Who going to honored us for the pain,? Who going to honored us for having to deal with the madness?

Who going to `alert the community on the next Shahed Hussain Aka Malik, or the FBI officials coming into a community to set up individual. And can explian there criminally vigorous, Who?  when I am in Court and look behind the Judge, it articulate In God we Turst. at this point must say I  have to turst My God and not Man.

Shahed Hussain, apparently approached other mosques in the lower Hudson Valley beside the one in Newburgh, so that tell me this was part of a campaign. Intended on Promoting Terror and a way to keep Federal Funding Why? on the back of those who can be hoodwink  

The Government  develop this strategies to use people irrational fear subsequent to 9/11
that what they are hoping for to build  and justified  there action's in this case and all the other that sound  the same as this one

God help us all

Friday, October 9, 2009

Presumption of Guilt in Terror Case

This was sent to the Riverdale press

By Tamara Grapek

To the editor:

As I follow the story of the Newburgh Four(men accused of trying to bomb synagogues in Riverdale), I find many things very disturbing

First,that the four financilly struggling individuals were wooed with money and expensive items in exchange for going along with the undercover agent trying to entrap them.

Second, these four individuals seem lacking in competence and the means to plot and carry out such an atrocious act,

Third, that the arresting officers officers were honored with awards in a media event before a trial to establish guilt or inocence in the alleged commission of these crimes,

Fourth, it quite frankly disturbs me that these four men are all dark skinned. Would white terrorsim suspects recive the same treatment as thes four men have?

I want to see justice as mush as anyone else, but let it be clean justice. afther all, our belief in democratic principles defines us as a society. Entrament is worng so is the assumtion of guilt

without a trail. Let the criminal justice system beware it doesn't commit crimes of it own in its zeal to overcome terrorism.

I like to Thank Tamara Grapek, cause there are some people who see this for what it is

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Reporting the News

Emerged as the scene unfolded, were all types of media and news correspondents, who reported live from the scene. Where are they now ?

Apparently, because they know it's Bull S. The Daily news Kerry Willis, reported that IT the "Chicken Defense". Is this a joke.. "The Chicken defense". We have individuals who will be lost once again to the system.

Carrire Melago & Joe Kemp reported that they are "Terrorist Dummies". So who are the Master Mine?
What happened to looking at the social factors & the dynamics surrounding this case, focusing on core issues, and not about them eating at a damn chicken place. Issues that can send them up for life ,what about the young man with the mental health issues who's taking care of his side of the story.
Where's the community on mental health ?Why aren't they making sure he's heard? The nature of the case has created a fear factor and no one stepping up for his civil right.

If you sit in court one can see that neither of these men had the potential to pull this off. Nor the means or the resources, and niether of these men have the skills to run a profitable business. Anyone one with real scense can see these guys are not bright enough to conjure something of this magnitude.

No one asking probing questions? I am encouraging people to ask uncomfortable questions, the ones that jerk the truth. Look pass the stigma that is hovering around this case.

Media need to take a look at how they're report the news. We know your need to sell a news paper but these individuals have families, who doesn't see a damn thing funny think about that when you are thinking up funny headlines. Think about what's happening to a family member or what happening in our community. The FBI can come into a community and map it out and target individuals of color, laying out the framework that encroach on the rights of others and all in a two year process. Yes these individuals play a part only they can answer the question.... why?

Reporting to you live from channel - People speaking out.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Fifth Man

Project Salam- What is it?

The FBI hires criminals as agents provocateur to infiltrate the Muslim community. Once amongst the religious groups the informant sets out to turn American citizen into doing illegal activities. He will feed them lies about unjust events happenin.g in their countries. He offers many things, gifts, money, friendship and all the while being deceitful and using trickery along with being manipulative.

This is not a made up scenarios of conspiracy. You have seen this in action you just Don't " know it, and if you haven't here's a story for you that I wish was fiction.

Shahed Hussian: Code Name:Malik (The Fifth Man)

Shahed went to jail in 2002 for fraud, He mustered up a scam targeting foreigners who wanted to take the writing test at DMV. He told 90 people that the test was hard and that he could help them pass by taking it for them. He also owned a 99 cent store and was filing for bankruptcy.Shahed copped a deal with police to be apart of their little project. Salam in return keeping him out of prison. Shahed help police by fabricating and exaggerating the words of defendants, taking all the positive things they said about their religions and turning it into a negative. This operation worked on many occasion keeping him in the clear. Shahed set up another man, before he got to the Newburgh four.

4 Year ago in Albany a man named Mohammed Hossain, pizzeria owner and father of six met Shahed because of friend of his wanted to acquire a motor vehicles license. Shahed persauded Hossin to launder $50,000 to buy missiles that will be used to assistant the prime minister of Pakistan. Like many others this set up worked leaving Hossain 15 years to face in jail. Just like the Four, Hossian thought he was given a partner/ friend to relay on instead he got prayed upon.

The second group is the New burgh four who are not facing the same sentence as Hossian but much worse, they are facing LIFE! Let look at what a 1984 report from the U.S House Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights. concluded; Because federal agents create crime, rather than merely detect it, they hold the POWER to create the Appearance of Guilt
Any of the Values Reflected in our Constitution are directly Threatened by these Operations

We were invite to speck on August 9th, about the impact this have been having on our lives and the Implications it has for Freedom and Civil Liberties for us all.

this act was Philosophically Immoral, How do we allow Politicians to manipulate and speculate a platform that illegal

Wake up Community were is the momentum of an entire culture

Meeting at WESPAC: Policy of entrapment

A meeting was held on the issue at hand. A group named WESPAC called the meeting in White plane so they could address some of the issues facing this cases at hand and show these families that they are not alone in the fight for In justice. WESPAC rep, spoke out on the act of entrapment by the U.S. military force and government. WESPAC feels that these entrapment's are illegal and are targeting people of color and in low income communities.

WESPAC is taking a stand to oppose FBI entrapment and to make it so no one else becomes a victim to there own government.

At the meeting The family of David Williams spoke out on about the roller coaster ride they are emotionally on. Aunt Alicia MC Williams (blogger), His mother spoke on the jolt her family is feeling by this tragedy. People watch the news and hear what the major has to say about "New burgh Four" and make the judgements with no hesitation. Not many think about the families behind the men. Alicia also spoke about the ride they are on, she expresses that it's not over yet. She tells the listeners about the phone call she got from her sister (Davids mom) at four in the morning, stating that someone had broke into her house. One would advise to call the police... It was the police! Coming from the trees, roof tops, armored trucks and unmarked vans. It seemed like a scene out of an action movie. The news was already running the story when Ms. MC Williams turned on her T.V, she couldn't not believe the faces she saw but even more so, she couldn't believe the government was behind it all.

"New burgh is a small deprived county. I don't understand how the FBI picked that county and that Mosque." said Ms.MC Williams. Families expressed how the informant pick New burgh and these four men because they were unskilled and uneducated. The major labeled these men master minds of terror, but the newspapers call them petty criminals, mucks, idiots and dummies. Commissioner Kelly said in a press conference and I quote: "They were all Petty criminals"

What stuns me is that it was all over in twenty five minutes but then again Homeland, security and the FBI had orchestrated how long they wanted this ordeal to last. It was like Cut and Action! The Rabbi was called for a meeting Det. Rodriguez from the 50 Th precinct, but this was a brief moment, in which they made him aware of the plot. But this meeting was called at the end of the plot and after a year of surveillance. Last minute to save lives? Law enforcement agents waited around for a year until the plot reached it's mark and their evidence would be solid.

Mr. Kelly said the men bought bombs from the informant...How do men with not even a pot to piss in, afford bombs and stingers. The informant was the one waving the money around and now he's is the one with a ton of things to say.

Fear Factor: The government retaliating against their own nation , The increase of police presents!

A counsel member say he thinks their community needs more protection and he thinks they'll get it now. But what about the Urban communities? from informants, plots, and pimps for the government. I haven't heard any word on the protection of we the people! Who is looking out for us? Or do we not count?

Friday, June 5, 2009

The few who see it for what it is.

There are a few organizations that see this for what it is and are reaching out with supporting hands and helpful words. They also have Concern on how the FBI cultivated a plot for one year in the most economical depressed areas in the country. These individuals feel that if we start addressing the real issues, like justice and equality for individuals re-entering back into society.
An initiative like Visions Beyond the Walls will help with the safety and successful reconnection's back into communities. This program will help with the capacity to deliver effective services to their reentry population as well as meet standards of performance and accountability.
In New York state 93 percent of incarcerated people are black and Latino. The majority come from New York city. The city's seven most impoverished neighborhoods are Harlem, the South Bronx, the Lower East side Bed ford-Stuyvesant, Jamaica, East New York, Ocean hill and Brownsville. It's extraordinarily difficult for black and Latinos with a prison recorder to establish themselves once they leave prison.
A Princeton University sociology released a study in 2005 that showed how it is easy for a white male with criminal conviction to get a job in New York city than it would be for a black male with a record. Another study states that 46 percent of black males in New York are unemployed.
The crisis of recidivism has become increasingly dire, as men and woman with criminal convictions have few if any prospects for employment, housing, and emotional support when they leave prison. Nationwide approximately 630,000 individuals reenter the community each month and within three years they are incarcerated.
Vision Beyond the Walls wants to be that model that will help with employment as individuals come home. We know the deck of cards are stacked against them. They encounter guilt, lack of education and lack of skills. Despite there efforts to make a better life for themselves.
Vision Beyond the Walls is strongly needed in Newburgh!!!

Looking at the real issues

Has the community got so blinded that we don't look at social issues that effects our communities. I have been listening to so many opinions people being so judgemental, calling them dirt bags, scum bags and low life's. The Newburg four wasn't angels people said, but, I say neither was the informant and the FBI. everyone is looking at what was done and has over looked the scenario created that has been created by the government to place fear in a community. I still have to ask how did they pick a small mosque in Newburg to enlist individuals? Why not the mosque in Harlem? Why not the Mosque in Brooklyn? better yet why did he not stake out the Jewish Temple. Now I am not wishing this on these places but one must ask the hidden questions. It is stated that the informant staked out the Newburg mosque for as long as two years to entice a violent plot. Will we hear how this was initiated? I do doubt that they will play the tape of the informant speaking on the plot. To tell you the truth they might cut and paste the recording to fit the case.
The real question is how did it come to this? Why would the FBI target the Jewish community? And to the Jewish community I feel you are victims as well as my family.You are being used in a dangerous game that is shaking your community. Scaring your families, making you feel as if people are out to bring destruction to you and your beliefs.Our own government is creating wolves to send your way, ask yourself who are the masterminds?Why would the government want you afraid? They are leaving you with the distorted image of fellow Americans.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A thief comes only to kill steal and destroy.

How do you report a government agent to the government?

Why did the government come into a small community looking for ex-offenders and created a scenario to blame on them. Is not the statment of protect and serve pronounced by the government and justice department? Do ex-offenders fall into the protect and serve catogory? These are questions that need to be asked by the family, friends and others in the community who have experienced links to the prison system.

I believe the situation with my nephew David Williams is the fault of the government and their agents who wrote the path he and others followed. I believe they should also go down with the ship, there was criminal activity done by the FBI to entrap these individuals.

David had re-entered society after a life of tough and not always kosher deccisions. He like many others had chosen a relious path when he entered and exited the prision system. I and many others feel this was his what the un-named agent ran with.

The justice and corrections system has a structure byline that they try up hold to better re-entry for ex-offenders. To release them back into society with a better chance at a new beginning, or so I've read. The following is research I have done, Notes if you will; that I have taken from the re-entry policy council:

*To extinguish the risk of ex-offending individuals falling into habit they want to feed the need.What is the need? Education? Jobs? Counseling? Very little services are offered for these lost souls. They will surely grow into habit if they are pushed into havok. So i say in this and many other cases the policy has failed.

*Increase positive reinforcement, HA! Double minded I say! How can you say you want to place a positive pillar for these ex-offenders to stand up against, in hopes to lead them on a straight path. Yet their own government has set them up for a down fall...labeled them even in their time of self discovery. These people are crackheads, drug dealers, prostitutes, Gang bangers, THUGS! We know them as sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, children to the lord all in the same light. The tainting of our community is being avowed, will you let it happen?

This philosopy would be a pro,but it's own government has ingnored it and set his own views into play. There is a risk principle, they should be prioritizing supervised treatment, enhancing intrinsic motivation, and skilled training with congnitive behavioral treatment methods avaibible for our ex-offenders (family members to most of us.)Communties and families are being divided and like David they just fall victum to their own government. They called them the most dangerous dummies! Is that it or the most mislead victums. They are not innocent in this but will not fall alone!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A community coming together.

Hello my name is Alicia McWilliams-McCullum. I'm the aunt of the accused terrorist David Williams. Like many of our young men my nephew has experienced the prison system and when he heard of a program I developed called Vision Beyond The Walls (Post-Incarceration Resurrection) , he like many others wanted to further understand my views. I then explained: Vision Beyond The Walls mission is to enhance the quality of life for formerly incarcerated individual and their communities in order to facilitate a transition from incarceration to re-entry into society thru a transitional training live in site. Vision Beyond The Walls will work in conjunction with state and local agencies to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to revitalizing the lives of formally incarcerated individuals.
Clever right! I developed this mission in 2006 and have been working on it in a devoted fashion ever since. I have created my own surveys and have hit the streets with them to find out how mass incarceration effects a community and family as a whole. I have made it my business to help our people and believe no community should be left behind. Vision Beyond the Walls mantra is
T-Team work
The philosophy will be:
Thru Integrity,Motivation,Team work,Trust,Excellence, and Respect, I will rise beyond my fear find my path Achieve great success because

My nephew thought this was a great idea he like many others was interested in the vision and mission. Stumbling through life like many of us do he got caught up in the web. I ask myself If your working for change how can something like this happen to someone in your family?

Don't read this, and in your mind form some sort of fictitious monster whom you will say I blame for my nephews convictions look the horse in the mouth and take a look at what is happening to our family it could easily happen to yours.The seed is being planted into the heart of communities big and small.The government is making scenarios and problems to solve. Is this what the future holds for our communities , the government praying on those unskilled. A future where they target ex-offenders. Sending informants into a small urban community with the complexity of impoverishment on families.