Saturday, September 26, 2009


Reporting the News

Emerged as the scene unfolded, were all types of media and news correspondents, who reported live from the scene. Where are they now ?

Apparently, because they know it's Bull S. The Daily news Kerry Willis, reported that IT the "Chicken Defense". Is this a joke.. "The Chicken defense". We have individuals who will be lost once again to the system.

Carrire Melago & Joe Kemp reported that they are "Terrorist Dummies". So who are the Master Mine?
What happened to looking at the social factors & the dynamics surrounding this case, focusing on core issues, and not about them eating at a damn chicken place. Issues that can send them up for life ,what about the young man with the mental health issues who's taking care of his side of the story.
Where's the community on mental health ?Why aren't they making sure he's heard? The nature of the case has created a fear factor and no one stepping up for his civil right.

If you sit in court one can see that neither of these men had the potential to pull this off. Nor the means or the resources, and niether of these men have the skills to run a profitable business. Anyone one with real scense can see these guys are not bright enough to conjure something of this magnitude.

No one asking probing questions? I am encouraging people to ask uncomfortable questions, the ones that jerk the truth. Look pass the stigma that is hovering around this case.

Media need to take a look at how they're report the news. We know your need to sell a news paper but these individuals have families, who doesn't see a damn thing funny think about that when you are thinking up funny headlines. Think about what's happening to a family member or what happening in our community. The FBI can come into a community and map it out and target individuals of color, laying out the framework that encroach on the rights of others and all in a two year process. Yes these individuals play a part only they can answer the question.... why?

Reporting to you live from channel - People speaking out.