Sunday, January 3, 2010

Who's on the FBI's Watchlist?

The FBI's list of known or suspected lists includes more than 4000,000 people, about 2%
of them are US. citizens. The FBI say's its watchlists is useful tool for intelligence analysts
but others say it too big to be helpful and endangers the rights of people who may be included without just cause.

What qualifies someone for the lists?

One would never know if they are on the lists -it's classified, people who supect they might be listed without cause.can file a request through the Traveler Redress Inquiry program wedsite

Christoher Calabrese, Legislative counsel at the American Clivil Liberties Union, claims that
the system allows too many people to come under scrutiny and diverts the attention of authorities form real threats, Every day, they are deciding that more and more people are a  threat

Who list  are you on?