Monday, August 10, 2009

The Fifth Man

Project Salam- What is it?

The FBI hires criminals as agents provocateur to infiltrate the Muslim community. Once amongst the religious groups the informant sets out to turn American citizen into doing illegal activities. He will feed them lies about unjust events happenin.g in their countries. He offers many things, gifts, money, friendship and all the while being deceitful and using trickery along with being manipulative.

This is not a made up scenarios of conspiracy. You have seen this in action you just Don't " know it, and if you haven't here's a story for you that I wish was fiction.

Shahed Hussian: Code Name:Malik (The Fifth Man)

Shahed went to jail in 2002 for fraud, He mustered up a scam targeting foreigners who wanted to take the writing test at DMV. He told 90 people that the test was hard and that he could help them pass by taking it for them. He also owned a 99 cent store and was filing for bankruptcy.Shahed copped a deal with police to be apart of their little project. Salam in return keeping him out of prison. Shahed help police by fabricating and exaggerating the words of defendants, taking all the positive things they said about their religions and turning it into a negative. This operation worked on many occasion keeping him in the clear. Shahed set up another man, before he got to the Newburgh four.

4 Year ago in Albany a man named Mohammed Hossain, pizzeria owner and father of six met Shahed because of friend of his wanted to acquire a motor vehicles license. Shahed persauded Hossin to launder $50,000 to buy missiles that will be used to assistant the prime minister of Pakistan. Like many others this set up worked leaving Hossain 15 years to face in jail. Just like the Four, Hossian thought he was given a partner/ friend to relay on instead he got prayed upon.

The second group is the New burgh four who are not facing the same sentence as Hossian but much worse, they are facing LIFE! Let look at what a 1984 report from the U.S House Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights. concluded; Because federal agents create crime, rather than merely detect it, they hold the POWER to create the Appearance of Guilt
Any of the Values Reflected in our Constitution are directly Threatened by these Operations

We were invite to speck on August 9th, about the impact this have been having on our lives and the Implications it has for Freedom and Civil Liberties for us all.

this act was Philosophically Immoral, How do we allow Politicians to manipulate and speculate a platform that illegal

Wake up Community were is the momentum of an entire culture

Meeting at WESPAC: Policy of entrapment

A meeting was held on the issue at hand. A group named WESPAC called the meeting in White plane so they could address some of the issues facing this cases at hand and show these families that they are not alone in the fight for In justice. WESPAC rep, spoke out on the act of entrapment by the U.S. military force and government. WESPAC feels that these entrapment's are illegal and are targeting people of color and in low income communities.

WESPAC is taking a stand to oppose FBI entrapment and to make it so no one else becomes a victim to there own government.

At the meeting The family of David Williams spoke out on about the roller coaster ride they are emotionally on. Aunt Alicia MC Williams (blogger), His mother spoke on the jolt her family is feeling by this tragedy. People watch the news and hear what the major has to say about "New burgh Four" and make the judgements with no hesitation. Not many think about the families behind the men. Alicia also spoke about the ride they are on, she expresses that it's not over yet. She tells the listeners about the phone call she got from her sister (Davids mom) at four in the morning, stating that someone had broke into her house. One would advise to call the police... It was the police! Coming from the trees, roof tops, armored trucks and unmarked vans. It seemed like a scene out of an action movie. The news was already running the story when Ms. MC Williams turned on her T.V, she couldn't not believe the faces she saw but even more so, she couldn't believe the government was behind it all.

"New burgh is a small deprived county. I don't understand how the FBI picked that county and that Mosque." said Ms.MC Williams. Families expressed how the informant pick New burgh and these four men because they were unskilled and uneducated. The major labeled these men master minds of terror, but the newspapers call them petty criminals, mucks, idiots and dummies. Commissioner Kelly said in a press conference and I quote: "They were all Petty criminals"

What stuns me is that it was all over in twenty five minutes but then again Homeland, security and the FBI had orchestrated how long they wanted this ordeal to last. It was like Cut and Action! The Rabbi was called for a meeting Det. Rodriguez from the 50 Th precinct, but this was a brief moment, in which they made him aware of the plot. But this meeting was called at the end of the plot and after a year of surveillance. Last minute to save lives? Law enforcement agents waited around for a year until the plot reached it's mark and their evidence would be solid.

Mr. Kelly said the men bought bombs from the informant...How do men with not even a pot to piss in, afford bombs and stingers. The informant was the one waving the money around and now he's is the one with a ton of things to say.

Fear Factor: The government retaliating against their own nation , The increase of police presents!

A counsel member say he thinks their community needs more protection and he thinks they'll get it now. But what about the Urban communities? from informants, plots, and pimps for the government. I haven't heard any word on the protection of we the people! Who is looking out for us? Or do we not count?