Monday, August 10, 2009

The Fifth Man

Project Salam- What is it?

The FBI hires criminals as agents provocateur to infiltrate the Muslim community. Once amongst the religious groups the informant sets out to turn American citizen into doing illegal activities. He will feed them lies about unjust events happenin.g in their countries. He offers many things, gifts, money, friendship and all the while being deceitful and using trickery along with being manipulative.

This is not a made up scenarios of conspiracy. You have seen this in action you just Don't " know it, and if you haven't here's a story for you that I wish was fiction.

Shahed Hussian: Code Name:Malik (The Fifth Man)

Shahed went to jail in 2002 for fraud, He mustered up a scam targeting foreigners who wanted to take the writing test at DMV. He told 90 people that the test was hard and that he could help them pass by taking it for them. He also owned a 99 cent store and was filing for bankruptcy.Shahed copped a deal with police to be apart of their little project. Salam in return keeping him out of prison. Shahed help police by fabricating and exaggerating the words of defendants, taking all the positive things they said about their religions and turning it into a negative. This operation worked on many occasion keeping him in the clear. Shahed set up another man, before he got to the Newburgh four.

4 Year ago in Albany a man named Mohammed Hossain, pizzeria owner and father of six met Shahed because of friend of his wanted to acquire a motor vehicles license. Shahed persauded Hossin to launder $50,000 to buy missiles that will be used to assistant the prime minister of Pakistan. Like many others this set up worked leaving Hossain 15 years to face in jail. Just like the Four, Hossian thought he was given a partner/ friend to relay on instead he got prayed upon.

The second group is the New burgh four who are not facing the same sentence as Hossian but much worse, they are facing LIFE! Let look at what a 1984 report from the U.S House Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights. concluded; Because federal agents create crime, rather than merely detect it, they hold the POWER to create the Appearance of Guilt
Any of the Values Reflected in our Constitution are directly Threatened by these Operations

We were invite to speck on August 9th, about the impact this have been having on our lives and the Implications it has for Freedom and Civil Liberties for us all.

this act was Philosophically Immoral, How do we allow Politicians to manipulate and speculate a platform that illegal

Wake up Community were is the momentum of an entire culture

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Alicia,

Thank you so much for inviting me to your home yesterday. I'll do my best to make sure the truth comes out and my prayers go out to your family.